Student Council
Student Council Code Of Conduct
A. To ensure professional conductwhile representing Harmony organizations, these guidelines have beenestablished
B. A copy of the entire Code must bedistributed during the first session of Introduction to Council and acontract must be signed stating agreement to uphold the Code by allmembers. The Recorder will keep these contracts on file.
C. Failure to comply with theprovisions of this code may be grounds for disciplinary action as state inSection 4.
Section2. Involvement Expectations
As aStudent Council member, you represent and serve the Student Body of the Harmony Science Academy. Assuch, while you are an active member, it is expected that you abide by thefollowing:
As aStudent Council member, you represent and serve the Student Body of the Harmony Science Academy. Assuch, while you are an active member, it is expected that you abide by thefollowing:
A. Attend all General Councilmeetings. This includes arriving on time, staying until the meetingis adjourned, and being prepared with a copy of the current agenda andyour constituent’s opinions on all orders of business. It is eachindividual’s responsibility to sign in with the Recorder prior to thebeginning of each meeting
B. Serve on and contribute to one(1) committee for the first year of membership unless excused by theStudent Council Recorder. Each committee holds at least one meetingevery two weeks, and attendance is expected. After the first year,one’s participation in a committee is voluntary.
C. Complete the number of projecthours set by the Executive Committee each semester. Project houropportunities will be provided to you.
D. Uphold the name, reputation, andmotto of Student Council at all times. The motto is “DevelopLeadership, Serve the Students, Represent the Students.”
E. Behave in a manner that isrespectful, accountable and honest according to the HSA values.
F. Must be passing all class. GPA (2.5)
Section3. Standard of Conduct
1. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of HSAdocuments, records or identification, or knowingly furnishing false informationto HSA.
2. Obstruction or disruption of teaching,conduct proceedings, or any other HSA activities.
3. Physical abuse or other conduct whichthreatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
4. Attempted or actual theft of, damageto, or possession without permission of property of the HAS.
5. Disruptive or disorderly conduct orlewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression.
6. Failure to comply with directions ofHSA officials acting in the performance of their duties.
7. Unprofessional conduct as determinedby the office manager.
Section4. Disciplinary Proceedings
A. A written grievance form shouldbe turned into the Recorder.
B. If the grievance is about theRecorder, the grievance should be given to the President by default.
C. After the grievance is filed, theRecorder/President will meet with the accuser to determine if thecomplaint justifies action by student council.
D. The Recorder/President will thenmeet with the accused to determine whether he/she admits to the complaint.
E. If it is determined that there isenough evidence available, the alleged victim, the alleged perpetrator,and any witnesses will go before a student court made up of five (5)representatives from the Student Council and HAS Sponsor. If any ofthese representatives feel he/she is biased, the recorder will appointanother member.
Section5. Sanctions
Possiblesanctions that the student court can recommend include:
A. Double project hours
B Loss of position on committees.
1 Loss of voice and/or vote inStudent Council meetings.
C Expulsion of membership
Section6. Jurisdiction Area
ThisCode applies at all Student Council meetings, activities, events, in theStudent Council office, or while one is representing Student Council in anyway.
Section7. Definitions
Activemember – point of time from when a person signs the membership contract to themoment the person’s resignation of position is received by the Student CouncilRecorder.
Office manager – the President, or the highest rankingStudent Council Officer present in the office.
tudent Council Point System
1 Point’ssheets will always be due by the last day of each 6 weeks period. Late penalty will be a deduction of 5points. Points sheets will be duethis year on the following dates:
Oct.1 Feb. 18 Nov.5 Apr. 8 Dec.17 May 27
Alwaysturn point’s sheets in to the Advisor Mrs. Jones
2 Atotal of 20 points are needed each 6 weeks. Extra points DO NOT carry over to thenext 6 weeks. Points must bereported for current 6 weeks dates only.
3 Penaltiesfor not having 20 points during a 6 weeks period include: minus points will carry over to the next6 weeks. If this situation occurs,and the points that were missed are not made up, probationary status willresult.
4 Threedifferent types of service areas will be needed each 6 weeks. One of these areas must be OUTSIDE ofschool service.
- Non-perishable food items at meeting = 1 pt.
- School supplies = 1 pt. for three items.
- Clothing (ex: belt, school uniform shirt or pants = 2pt. (per. item)
- Being on time at meeting = 1 pt.
- Helping teachers:
- 30mins. = 1 pt.
- Helping teachers:
- 30mins. = 1 pt.
- 1hour = 3 pts
- working school events: fund raisers, garage sales, parents night out.
- Each½ hour = 2 pts.
- Wholeevent = 5 pts.
- peer tutoring and/or volunteering reading to elementarystudents
- 45minutes = 2 pts.
peer mediation = 3 pts.
- outside of school service(minimum of 1 hour) = 5 pts. Each activity
Outsideof school service areas – suggestions:
Habitatfor Humanity
Mission Trips
Roadclean up – 4-H, churches, etc.
WalkAmerica,Crop Walk
Boysand Girl Scouts